Large suburban homes with asphalt shingles and green lawns in daytime

Stop and Avoid Foreclosure in Jacksonville, NC

Let Campbell Home Solutions show you how to stop the foreclosure process in North Carolina

Save Your House and or Equity. Work with Campbell Home Solutions.

Stop and Avoid Foreclosure in Jacksonville, NC. Call Us Today! (910)880-0500

Helping Families Since 1993

Your Local Foreclosure Specialists

Contact us today to answer your questions and stop the foreclosure process.

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Greg Campbell Campbell Home Solutions

At Campbell Home Solutions, we specialize in guiding families through the foreclosure process in North Carolina. Drawing from our years of experience in the real estate business, we offer expert knowledge and effective solutions to assist homeowners facing various challenges, including foreclosures.

The impact of COVID-19 has amplified the foreclosure crisis in North Carolina, with many families experiencing income loss or reduced working hours. While temporary government relief was provided, numerous individuals have fallen significantly behind on payments. In the face of mounting financial pressures, keeping up with loan obligations has become increasingly difficult. As foreclosure proceedings escalate, Campbell Home Solutions is here to provide foreclosure help and assistance. Explore our website, browse our foreclosure success stories, and reach out to us for support. Sometimes, a discussion is all it takes to put you back on track, remember knowledge is power. Call or text us today 910-880-0500.

Stop Foreclosure in Jacksonville NC

The Foreclosure Process in North Carolina is lightning-fast compared to most states! Immediate action is necessary to save your house, equity, and credit.

There are several ways to help you stop and avoid foreclosure, such as a Forbearance, Re-payment Plan, or Loan Modification, to name a few. The banks are interested in finding out if you have resolved the situation that caused you to miss the payments in the first place. If your situation was temporary and you are back on your feet, have a strong income, and are current on your other bills, you may be able to work it out with the bank.

If we can be of service to you in your present situation, please give us a call at  910-880-0500  It may be that we can help you by simply giving you a free consultation over the telephone and avoid foreclosure.

Avoiding Foreclosure Sucess Stories

Success Stories: Homeowners saved their equity, credit and avoided foreclosure.

Turning a Bad Situation into Success: A Hampstead Homeowner’s Journey

A Homeowner in Hampstead NC reached out to us in a dire situation. COVID-19 had severely reduced his work hours, causing him to fall behind on mortgage payments. Despite his efforts, the bank refused to help, and he received a foreclosure summons. Even after attending the hearing, a sale date was set.

In desperation, he paid an attorney $1,500 to file for bankruptcy, hoping to stop the foreclosure. Instead, the court’s plan increased his monthly payments by $400 and added $3,500 in attorney’s fees. Unable to keep up, the foreclosure was reinstated.

Three weeks before the foreclosure sale, he contacted us. We stepped in and paid $35,000 to reinstate the loan and cover all outstanding Taxes and HOA dues, stopping the foreclosure. We then renovated his house, sold it, and covered all expenses, and he walked away with a significant amount to start over. Thanks to our intervention, he avoided foreclosure and is now financially stable and stress-free.

Let us turn your desperation into success. Contact us today. 910-880-0500

Saving a Home, Securing a Future: How We Helped a Homeowner in Financial Distress

An older gentleman contacted us about his townhouse in Leland, NC. He was in financial trouble with the loan on his townhouse. The HOA had already filed for foreclosure due to delinquent dues and was granted permission by the court to set a sale date for his property. The lender also had a foreclosure hearing and scheduled a foreclosure sale date.

After meeting with the homeowner and explaining in detail how to avoid foreclosure, he signed an authorization for us to begin negotiating with the bank and attorneys to resolve his situation. With the bank on board and us writing a $33,000 check to cover all the delinquencies, we stopped the foreclosure actions from both the HOA and the bank. Since the homeowner didn’t have the credit or sufficient income to pay everything back, we completely updated and sold the house to get him the money he needed to move closer to his family.

We helped him find an affordable place to live, covered his mortgage payments, updated his townhouse, and sold it to secure the funds he needed for a stable future. We saved his equity, prevented a foreclosure from appearing on his record, and made life enjoyable for him again.

Call today to see how we can help you too! 910-880-0500

Success Story: Helping a homeowner in Holly Ridge, NC keep his home.

Recently, we had the opportunity to assist a homeowner in Holly Ridge, NC, who was facing the possibility of losing his home. Due to a career change, he had fallen approximately $15,000 behind on his mortgage payments. He contacted us to explore his options and understand the best course of action to secure his home.

After signing authorizations allowing us to communicate with his bank, we began discussions to determine if there were any flexible programs or solutions available. The homeowner diligently gathered all necessary financial documentation to present a clear picture of his current situation. Fortunately, his income had stabilized, reaching a level that allowed him to manage his bills once more.

With the homeowner’s improved financial standing, the bank agreed to a favorable solution. They decided to defer the outstanding balance, placing it at the back of his loan at 0% interest. The only additional cost was for the preparation of the necessary documents. Once these documents were signed and recorded, the homeowner successfully retained his house.

This case highlights the importance of timely intervention and clear communication with financial institutions. We’re proud to have played a role in helping this homeowner secure his future and maintain his home.

Give us a call to discuss all your options at 910-880-0500

Success Story: Helping an Out-of-State Homeowner with a Problem Tenant

A retired military person stationed at Camp Lejeune bought a house in Jacksonville off Old 30 Road in Jacksonville, NC. He lived there for approximately 3.5 years before receiving orders to move to Florida, where he served out the rest of his tour. Choosing to settle in Florida permanently, he hired a management company to care for his house in Jacksonville. Unfortunately, as happens all too often, the house was mismanaged.

The renters were destroying the property by smoking inside, causing extensive pet damage, and the house became flea-infested. Additionally, the renters were not paying their rent. The property owner was in a difficult situation, and that’s when we stepped in to help.

We discussed the situation with the homeowner and knew we could provide assistance. We agreed to pay the mortgage to prevent the house from going into foreclosure. Next, we legally had the tenants removed through eviction proceedings. Once the house was vacant, we renovated and updated the property to make it market-ready. Lastly, we marketed the house for sale, found a buyer, and successfully sold the home.


By stepping in and addressing the issues promptly, we saved the homeowner’s equity in the property. The successful sale not only prevented foreclosure but also allowed the homeowner to receive a sizable check at closing. This outcome ensured financial stability and peace of mind for the homeowner, proving that even the most challenging situations can be turned around with the right support and intervention.

Let us help you call us today 910-880-0500

Helping a Seller Get Back on Track

We spoke with a seller in Jacksonville, NC, who had fallen behind on her house payments. She reached out to us early in the process when she was three payments behind and about to miss a fourth. We reviewed all her available options. She had the ability to make up one payment, but the bank required her to go through the loss mitigation department and complete their paperwork before they would consider working with her, which she found challenging. Her income was just enough to cover her bills, but with her recent increase in work hours, she would be able to manage moving forward. She just needed a break.

We discussed the possibility of seeking help from her family. With our assistance, she secured a small loan from her family, and we devised a payment plan that mostly relied on an upcoming tax refund. I coordinated with the bank to get all the payments settled and the loan reinstated. She just needed someone to guide her through the process to resolve the situation and avoid foreclosure.

By weighing all her options and acting quickly, we were able to stop the foreclosure early. Working together, we helped the seller in Jacksonville, NC manage her financial troubles. With a small loan from her family and an upcoming tax refund, we created a workable payment plan. Coordinating with the bank, we ensured all her payments were made and her loan was reinstated. This experience demonstrates how timely help and guidance can solve financial problems and bring peace of mind.

Call or text us today to discuss your situation 910-880-0500

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