Large suburban homes with asphalt shingles and green lawns in daytime

The Foreclosure Process in North Carolina is lightning-fast compared to most states! Immediate action is necessary to save your house, equity, and credit.

There are a number of ways to help you from going into foreclosure, such as a Forbearance, Re-payment Plan, or Loan Modification, to name a few. The banks are interested in finding out if you have resolved the situation that caused you to miss the payments in the first place. If your situation was temporary and you are back on your feet, have a strong income, and are current on your other bills, you may be able to work it out with the bank.

Campbell Home Solutions can be of service to you in your present situation. Please give us a call at  910-880-0500.  It may be that we can help you by simply giving you a free consultation over the telephone.

What is a Foreclosure

 Foreclosure is a drastic method lenders and mortgage companies use to collect their outstanding loans. The property is taken away from the owner and sold at a public auction. The proceeds from this sale are used to pay off the mortgage that is in default; this also includes foreclosure costs, attorney fees, and other court costs. The only thing you receive from this procedure is a black mark on your credit, possibly stopping you from owning another home for years to come!  At Campbell Home Solutions, we spend the majority of our time and effort helping people avoid the damage caused by foreclosure. We may be able to offer you the cash you need to get back on your feet.

Don’t let Time Run Out!

Unfortunately, Time is your worst enemy, and your lender will only gain more power as the Foreclosure Process unfolds. Don’t let fear and anxiety keep you from following a plan of action. You need to Stop Foreclosure Now before it’s too late! Let us show you how.

Alternatives to Foreclosure

There are a number of ways to help you from going into foreclosure, such as a Forbearance, Re-payment Plan, or Loan Modification, to name a few. The banks are interested in finding out if you have resolved the situation that caused you to miss the payments in the first place. If your situation was temporary and you are back on your feet, have a strong income, and are current on your other bills, you may be able to work it out with the bank.

Let Campbell Home Solutions help you relieve the stress now! Give us a call at  910-880-0500.  It may be that we can help you by simply giving you a free consultation over the telephone. 

Contact us today to answer your questions and stop the foreclosure process.

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